My name is George Carr, and I’ve been a born again believer since February of 2005, as well as a backpacker/outdoorsman since 1988. I founded Walking With The Son Ministries as a place to share my outdoor experiences (amblings), as well as my thoughts (ramblings) in a way that more secular part of society might not understand. I won’t hide my faith – “For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation for everyone who believes, for the Jew first and also for the Greek. For in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, ‘The just shall live by faith’,” Romans 1:16,17 – but rather seek to create a refuge for all who are hungry for a Godly perspective on the outdoors and life in general. Thanks for visiting, and feel free to send you feedback, encouragement, and prayers as I travel on this journey called “Walking With The Son”.
Hello from Monongahela Pa , born again believer myself since October 93. Just wanted to say hello and lift up a brother in prayer.
Thank you so much Gregg! Prayer is always welcome, brother. God Bless!
Hello fellow Garden Stater. You were mentioned on the hammock forums so I looked you up out of curiosity. Nice quilts. Great blog!
Well hello, and thanks for checking me out! We are practically neighbors!
Sir- Chris from Fairbanks, AK. Wanted to say your blog here is an inspiration. Perhaps I’ll lose this lazy bug I have and start one for my family as well.
God Bless
Welcome Chris, and thank you! Go for it, and be sure to let us know where to find it!
George – thanks for posting this brother. Always great to see someone preaching the gospel of Jesus Christ. I’ve been saved since August 23, 2004 and am so thankful to the Lord for saving me. Keep it up. My favorite verse: Ephesians 2:8-9 For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast. KJAV1611
Thanks for the comments Steve! Nice blog BTW. I appreciate the mention!
Found you from BCUSA. In this state, what a joy to meet fellow believers who are also outdoorsmen 🙂
What better way to revel in God’s majesty than outdoors?! Looking forward to meeting you at the meetup next month.
Hi George — I was saved as a child at Camp Hagan, a Lutheran camp that ultimately became part of the Delaware Water Gap National Recreational Area. The Army Corp of Engineers was tasked with removing all the buildings and structures of Camp Hagan in order for the property to return to a wilderness area. But they missed the altar in our Outdoor Chapel where Vespers were held each evening. To this day the stone altar remains. In 2013 I returned to the property which is now a remote property on the banks of the Delaware River. The altar is not easy to find but my recollection of the moving services held in that location took me to the exact spot. Now I am a 70+ woman with a lifetime of memories AND a lifetime of sin. When I returned to the chapel of my camp in 2013 I prayed on my knees for a long time, and for 3 days I returned again. AND I WAS SAVED. As a resident of the Garden State you are not far from the place where Camp Hagan once stood. If you contact me I will provide you with directions. Thanks for this Blog. I found it at a critical point in my life. Blessings, Martha
Hi Martha! Speaking, emailing, and chatting here with you has been very special for me. I’m grateful to be on your journey with you through my gear. Most importantly I’m joyful that you are saved! We are family in Christ,through the blood of the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world. Nothing would make me happier than for you to stay in touch with me.
God Bless My Sister,