Life’s Compass

Proverbs 5:5-6

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding; In all your ways acknowledge Him, And He shall direct your paths.”

Ask just about any experienced outdoorsman and they’ll tell you they never head out into the wilderness without a compass. Isn’t it amazing how many folks will head out into the wild places of this world without consulting their God given compass – the bible? Just as the most basic compass can direct your paths in all types of weather, God’s word can give direction in the fiercest of storms, through the lowest of valleys and even in the darkest night.

In order for a compass to provide direction we have to interpret the information it provides. It’s not dependant on our feelings or what we believe is true – it always points north. The same is true of God’s word. “Lean not on your own understanding” The bible will always point to our “true north”, the One who loves us so much that he desires our paths to be straight so he can draw us nearer to our final destination – His kingdom in heaven.

Thank you Father for Your word. I pray that I will make it the compass that guides me in all Your ways, for the glory of You and Your kingdom. Amen.



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